
Environmentalists are a larger part of the national conversation than ever. Politicians across the United States and Europe are putting more of an emphasis on environmental policy. That means a greater focus on policies that protect the environment and fine or penalize companies who do not follow those regulations. Businesses and nonprofits are spending more money than ever on trying to understand new government regulations in the environmental policy space. You can book a college professor, government official or activist who has a background as an environmentalist. These individuals can help your organization learn more about environmental policy at the local, state, and federal level.

Speaker Booking Agency makes it easy to book an environmentalist. You can filter your search by industry or by geography. Booking a speaker here means booking an environmentalist who is a good fit for your organization ideologically and culturally. Contact us today!

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Annie Leonard American Proponent of Sustainability and a Critic of Excessive Consumerism

Annie Leonard is a tireless fighter for the environment and a longtime leader in the movement to change the way we make, use, and throw away Stuff. She has over two decades experience investigating w... Read More

Anoop Jain Founder and Director , Humanure Power

Anoop Jain is the founder and director of Sanitation and Health Rights in India (SHRI). SHRI was founded in 2011 to alleviate India's sanitation crisis. As an organization, SHRI believes that all huma... Read More

Aaron Naparstek Founder and Editor in Chieff, Streetsblog

Aaron Naparstek is the founder and former editor-in-chief of Streetsblog. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Naparstek’s journalism, advocacy and community organizing work has been instrumental in growing t... Read More

Andy Acho Former Ford Director of Environmental Outreach and Strategy

Andrew G. Acho is a nationally recognized expert on practical environmental initiatives that help make the world a better place and save money. Since retiring from Ford in 2006, Andy Acho has become a... Read More

Alex Haraus Climate Activist Who Went Viral on Social Media

Alex crafted the social media strategy that led over 6.3 million youth to submit public comments on seismic testing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the US Fish & Wildlife Service as part... Read More