Education Speakers

Education is a fundamental part of our society. Education experts teach our young people and help develop curriculum for learning at all levels. Professors, administrators, teachers and others serve as education speakers. They inform audiences about their teaching methods and develop programs for companies and organizations. 

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Uri Gneezy Professor of Economics and Strategy and the Epstein/Atkinson Chair in Behavioral Economics

When standard economic theories fall short of explaining actual human behavior, Uri's early study on how and why incentives might backfire has become an intriguing path of inquiry. He is a co-author o... Read More

Uri Geller Uri Geller (born December 20 1946 in Tel Aviv Israel) is a famous but controversial alleged psychic and television personality.

For many years, Uri Geller's demonstrations of purported paranormal abilities—including telekinesis, dowsing, and telepathy—became well-known. Metal items were bent, and timepieces seemed to be stoppe... Read More